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The French public “Agency for the development of international cooperation in the areas of agriculture, food and rural space” (ADECIA) was launched in July 2007 with the aim of coordinating the work of all the public-sector players in the agricultural community developing projects on international issues. ADECIA was set up by :
• the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry :
• the French Network of Chambers of Agriculture : ;
• the Agency for Services and Payment (Paying agency of European agricultural funds) :
• and FranceAgriMer (agricultural board forum) :

ADECIA has gained a great experience in program definition, funding and managing of international actions both at European level (building partnerships with other EU Ministries of Agriculture) and at International level by participating in many technical assistance projects with the Balkans, Turkey and, more recently, several Mediterranean countries, as well as with Colombia, with Western African countries….

ADECIA’s focuses are to:

• Establish and enhance synergy between public-sector players to promote French public expertise
• Provide project engineering support
• Manage on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture cooperation activities
• Provide administrative and financial management for twinnings and technical assistance projects